
Welcome to my personal website. I am delighted to see you here visiting my pages.

In this place, I host my Curriculum Vitae and some other stuff.

Feel free to wander around my pages.

See you!

AH Uyekita.

See my CV

Who Am I?

I am an Electrical Engineer and I passionated in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence since I have started the very famous Data Science Specialization in Coursera. Sadly, I have interrupted my studies in 2016 to dive into a new area of work, running my own business. After an experience for two years as an entrepreneur, I decided to came back to my origins.

Now, as a Data Scientist, I am open to a new challenge in my life.


Data Science Projects

Investigate a Dataset

Python 3 Markdown

In this Udacity's project, I have performed a Data Wrangling and Data Visualization about the Medical Appointments from Vitória City, Brazil. The dataset is hosted in Kaggle and has almost 100,000 medical records. You can read my conclusion about it reading the nbviewer.



SQL Markdown

This project is about the music preferences of a fictional company called Chinook, this database is available on Github for anyone to make your own study. All queries used to create graphics and to pose questions are available in the Mode Analytics platform.

Mode Analytics

Wrangle and Analyze Data

R Python 3 Markdown

The WeRateDogs™ is a Twitter account which gives a rating for dogs, I have used the Twitter API to gather information about the tweets made from all users. Later, I have posed some questions and I have answered using the available data. The document is available in nbviewer.


Analyze A/B Test Results

Python 3 Markdown

The A/B Testing is a powerful tool to evaluate if a new version has better performance than the older one. In this project, I have made several hypothesis tests to ensure better decision making. For this specific project, it was convenient to keep the older version of the website.


Building a New Geom

R Markdown

This assignment from Coursera aims to create a new "function" to be used to draw a different kind of graphic. The new so-called geom_hurricane will use the ggplot package as the bedrock for its advanced geom, which will use to plot wind speed and area covered.


Creating an R Package

R Markdown

In this project, I have created a new package and I have disclosed it in Github, this package also receives the Travis CI badge which means it could be run in any computer. The package uses the US FARS data (Fatality Analysis Reporting System) as input.


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Upcoming studies for 2019.

  • Data Science Foundations II;

  • Data Scientist Nanodegree.

Conference Papers

MV Planning Approach Using Temporal Series, Billing Data of Medium Voltage Consumers and Substation Feeders Metering

Based on billing data, DMS database, Feeders Loading Time series, etc. it was possible to build the short-term (action plan) and the long-term planning. This paper presents the methodology used by Daimon Engineering & Centrum Engineering Consortium to study CELESC’s Joinville Regional Medium Voltage Distribution System (MVDS).


Load Modeling Based on Field Survey of Electric Appliances Ownership and Consumption Habits

This paper presents a methodology that characterizes the load profile of each electricity consumer (residential, industrial, commercial, rural, etc.), according to its daily load curves for each period (dawn, morning, afternoon and night), and has been based on field assessments of consumer habits and ownership of consumers' equipment appliances.


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